Aboriginal Mining Initiative

The First Nations communities in North-East Ontario directed Waubetek to develop an Aboriginal Mining Strategy for the region to assist in building capacity and engaging Aboriginal people in this sector.  With North-East Ontario being a hub of mining activity in Canada, there are many opportunities to support Aboriginal business and the Aboriginal labour pool in the mining sector.  With the legal requirement and duty to consult and accommodate the interests of First Nations  on resource developments located within Treaty and traditional territories, it is critical that First Nations build the capacity to have meaningful engagement in the industry.   This strategy includes ways to better position Aboriginal businesses in meeting the growing demand for mining supplies and services as well as assist Aboriginal people to become a mining-ready labour force.

Please note that Waubetek does not represent First Nations nor can discussion with Waubetek be construed as any level of consultation with Aboriginal people.   Furthermore, Waubetek will not enter into any Impact and Benefit Agreement on any resource development project.

“First Nations and Aboriginal businesses served by Waubetek will be successful in accessing economic opportunities in the mining sector through the implementation of diverse, partnership-based initiatives which open doors to Aboriginal engagement, employment and business supply of goods and services in the mining industry”


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Waubetek Business Development Corporation promoting the new association of Indigenous Mining suppliers.

